Memorial Day weekend is almost over.
And, although I have spent years past sunning and slothing in the Hamptons, I chose to spend the first summer weekend of 2012 slothing and ruminating and de-junking. Not particularly glamorous, but really therapeutic and productive. While others were stuffing their car trunks full of beach buckets, suitcases, and lounge chairs, I did just the opposite.
I just finished cleaning out the trunk of my car, which had become cluttered with all kinds of random stuff I thought I might need "in case of emergencies." I suppose I've watched one too many episodes of "The Walking Dead," and still harbor an irrational fear that I will need to flee zombies at a moment's notice. Everything useless and dated is now stuffed into big green garbage bags.
De-junking -- cleaning out ones trunk and ones head -- is a great start-of-summer exercise I decided. With the exception of a few minor time-sensitive work obligations, I spent the rest of the weekend writing, reading (as in a real book with a cover), watching television, and lounging around in my PJs. I only communicated with people I really care about and did a bunch of writing (including this blog).
I will attempt to keep my car tidy, steer clear of zombies (metaphorical ones), and get back to my lunatic work schedule and intensity tomorrow -- free of clutter and well rested. And maybe my vehicle and I can both move a bit faster without the junk in my trunk.