Lose 200+ pounds of aggravation!
Back in 2007, I wrote a post about de-toxing ones business. Five years later, virtually all of it holds true.
But each new quarter of each new year can be a new beginning -- and a chance for each of us to do a little "spring cleaning." Whether you're shedding pounds of negativity in your business relationships or simply taking an objective look at bad business habits with an eye toward streamlining, we can all stand to "shed a few" throughout our lives.
Just as personal weight loss requires a shift in daily habits, we all need to examine those activities, people, extra expenses, and negative thoughts that get in the way of our being lean and mean (not nasty...efficient!) in our businesses. Here are a few simple tips for slimming down and keeping your bottom line healthy.
- Enlist the help of outsiders who have a fresh perspective on your business; a business coach, a trusted colleague, or even a close and honest friend. (Honest is the operative word here. "Do I look fat?" is a question that most people who are close to you will never answer honestly!)
- Clean-up your workspace. Organize your files, your calendar, and your desk so that you can find stuff and don't feel out-of-control.
- Seriously evaluate the people in your business life and make sure they can help you grow and flourish and not drag you down with negativity and stress.
- Feed your head with reading, events, and other stimulation that helps you build brain muscle.
- Take time for yourself and create as much work/life balance as possible. All work and no play will ultimately make you unhealthy and bitter.
If you really DO need to lose body weight to get summer-ready, check out this great book!