Or, do I need to just saddle-up to new speech?
Whenever I used to use the word "Hey!" my mom used to say "Hay is for horses." That meant (in mom-speak) that I should find another expression to use. (Other Nancy-isms that fell into that category were "shut up," "crap," "Ya know?" "Your momma!" and "moron.")
But "Hey" seems to be the new "Dear Nancy" whenever an intern or marketing associate writes to me. And they never usually REALLY write to me (as in an e-mail). It's usually a text message, e.g., "Hey! I finished that project. Got anything else for me?"
I'm actually sort of digging (as we used to say in days or yore) this new casual speech thing, although as an English major and former banker I admit that I cringe a bit whenever I see "Hey!" I like it more than "Dear Ms. Shenker" (which makes me feel old) or "To Whom it May Concern" (which is so impersonal) or "Nance!" (which is way too familiar -- only a chosen few call me Nance). And, when you're applying for job, the lead-in should probably never be "Hey!"
As long as people still know how to write a great marketing plan, craft a compelling press pitch, or proofread their resumes, I can put up with the "Hey" thing.
Hey! Do you agree?