How much more stuff can possibly fit into my brain? What else can I train my poor stubby fingers to do? I love technology as much as the next guy (or woman) but I find myself hoping that face-to-face is again becoming as important as Facebook. Some of the signs are there.
I admit...I'm still tethered to technology. This summer, I finally taught myself how to use the iPad that has been sitting in its box for a couple of months. I couldn't quite master the touch screen thing. (Those fingerprints are so unsightly!) And I was invited into Google+ during the first week. I'm not sure why. I'm not all that cool. But there I was, adding circles and inviting more friends.
But when I was in the Apple store, getting advice from one of the salespeople, I looked around and realized that so much of the "experience" in the store ultimately involved people helping other people. Perhaps conversation is making a comeback.
This summer I attended a couple of live concerts. Yeah, people were posting and posing and tweeting, but they were also swaying and dancing and singing along.
I also had the pleasure of attending a remarkable event at the United Nations last week in celebration of the International Year of Youth. There were girls, as young as ten, talking about the non-profits they founded and some of their hopes and dreams for using their mad social media skills to raise money for PEOPLE in need. Yes, real people...with flesh and blood and hearts.
Although I can use live chat to get help online, I enjoy live chats even more. Earbuds just aren't the same as live drums and guitars. And Apps can facilitate awareness and donations, but they will never replace the human spirit behind a cause.
So, try to unplug and look around every now and then. Your device won't even notice you're gone!