Small is good. Simple is good.
When my daughters (now almost 23 and almost 19) were little, I used to bring them what we called "little stuff" when I came home from work. Pennies...trinkets from gum machines...a pen that I got at a trade show. They loved these gifts as much as their giant Barbie duplex mansion and their huge stuffed bears. Although they never really expected anything, when I said "I have some little stuff for you" they squealed with glee.
The principle holds true in business too. Our best clients are not necessarily those with the biggest budgets...they are the ones who believe most passionately in their missions, values and products. I had grown my business rapidly at one point and then realized I was actually quite miserable working on projects that I wasn't passionate about and managing all the moving parts. I had done that once in corporate life and had no pressing desire to do it again. We focus now mostly on things that matter -- food, kids and education, health/wellness, shelter, summer camps, alternate energy, and other products/services developed by visionary, caring people.
Entrepreneurs' heads are often filled with a million ideas -- some big and some small. The challenge is learning how to de-clutter, to focus, to get back to those core principles, products, services, and practices that ultimately makes a huge difference -- that bring us joy and profitability. Even as adults, we can learn to squeal with glee upon receiving little stuff!
Simple Places to Visit (online and in the real world):
Real Simple's work/life section
Good (a great source of simple facts and projects that do good things for humanity)
Places to "digitally detox" this summer
Or, go "back to the farm" with an agritourism vacation